THE LAW OF ATTRACTION has been taught for thousands of years, and more and more people are beginning to believe and use the law of attraction to achieve ALL they want.
The secret to using the law of attraction is simple: Just think about what you want most of the time.
O.K. Easier said, than done, right?
My mentor use to say to me, “Our life is a direct reflection of our consistent thoughts.”
What that means is you must align your thoughts with your goals and find the WHY behind those goals, and then you have to think repeatedly over and over again until you create that BURNING DESIRE for success.
The key is to literally brainwash yourself for success by repeating one effective phrase over and over again until you put yourself into a trance of attracting success.
If your life is a reflection of your consistent thought, then doesn’t it make sense to have the most powerful thought repeated to you over and over again… 501 times per day?
The secret is the ultimate power of affirmation, auto-suggestion, or incantation. For example, if you think about the WHY behind your goals 501 times a day then you’ll behave differently, because you’ll feel a higher level of motivation.
The average person is lucky if they think about their WHY behind their goals once a week.
By repeating one phrase over and over again with emotional intensity you re-wire your brain for success, and put it on auto-pilot to guide you toward your goals. That’s the secret!
And, ANYONE can do this.
It doesn’t take any special skills!
1 comment:
It was very again very good Articles. You have always written very meaningful. Thanks for this and also thanks for giving good lesson during the GMCS, July 2009 batch, where in i have been one of the students there. Thanks
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