Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Disarming The Price-Squeezing Customer

Six Ways to Eliminate Price Concerns

What's a salesperson to do when customers are more concerned with getting a low price than getting the best value for their money? Paul Cherry shows you how to get customers to look past the price tag by uncovering what they value most.


You've been prospecting this company for ages, and finally got your foot in the door. You're apprehensive because you're meeting with the purchasing agent –– not the big boss, but it's a start –– and you know you'll get hammered on price!
The agent shakes your hand. "Tell me what you can do for me –– and how much it'll cost me." Already, he's squeezing you on price! You want to make him recognize the value of your business solution. He only wants to dance around it, singing, "Sure, value's important. But how will you save me money?" To land this sale, flip the record and hear what he's really singing. Here are six techniques to build rapport with mid-level decision-makers and prevent them from getting hung up on price.

Understand their biggest values
For purchasing agents, this issue runs deeper than price or value. They want to feel like they matter. They deal with so many salespeople making promises that you become just another face in an increasingly maddening crowd. They're exerting what little power they have on vendors like you, and keeping an iron grip on that low price is the most obvious way they can prove their worth. Their biggest values are:

  • Recognition from the boss and colleagues. They want to be recognized and rewarded for getting the lowest price, so of course they'll try to get it. Like all of us, they want the boss to say, "You just saved the company thousands of dollars! High-five!" They want their colleagues to think, "I want to be as successful as he is so the boss will high-five me, too!"

  • Justification. Their self-esteem soaring, our money-conscious front-line managers think, "I've saved my company money! I'm valuable! My job's safe!" They've justified their existence, confirming to the company and the boss that they're a "keeper."

Understand their fears
Most people are satisfied with something average. With fears ranging from leaving their comfort zone, to spending more money than the boss wants, to getting fired, they're more likely to passively avoid what they don't like than to actively pursue what they want.

Understand what they're up against
Most people want to do a good job and make a decent living, but they also want to clock out at a humane hour and have time for a life. Meanwhile, they're competing for resources, clamoring for attention, mired in daily obligations. Consequently, they unwittingly overlook the bigger picture. Show that front-line manager a solution that'll bring the big picture back into focus. Pitching how you can help his company increase profitability is more meaningful when it directly impacts his year-end bonus. Maybe he's thinking, "Yeah, like my boss needs to drive another new Lexus while I can barely get around in my ten-year-old junker!"

Understand their need to feel appreciated
When companies keep a narrow focus on increasing profitability, people can slip below the radar. When the company has a great year, the CEO rarely says, "We owe it all to our purchasing agents toiling down in the basement, saving us 5 cents apiece on widgets."
Many workers you deal with feel overworked and under-respected. All they ask is that you make them look good. Provide them with solutions that will take paperwork off their desks and keep their bosses happy with them, and they'll be happy with you.

Focus on the lowest TOTAL cost
Avoid getting cornered on price by talking about the lowest total cost. Instead of just the up-front, out-of-pocket cost for the company, show how lowest total cost results from on-time delivery, faster time to market, support, quality, peace of mind, ease of use, reduced down time, overhead, and labor.

Utilize questions to uncover what your customers value
Understand what makes customers tick; see what's really driving them. When you hear "lowest price," don't scamper like a squirrel - instead, ask good questions that go beyond the price issue. You'll find out what they really want and why they want it, as opposed to what they're telling you they want.
Add some of these questions to your arsenal of sales techniques:
"Share with me the criteria you use when you're selecting a _____."
"When it comes to price, quality, service, delivery, performance, customer support, and ease of use, which matters most to you? Which matters least?"
Say your customer cited performance as a priority: "You mentioned that performance is important to you. Would you share with me your definition of performance?"
"So that I'll best understand your needs, can you walk me through a situation in which your standards for performance were not met?"
"Let's assume you're looking at three potential vendors who meet all your criteria (including price). How would you make your final decision?"
"You mentioned that the most important thing for you is price. How does that compare to what engineering (manufacturing, design, production, marketing, fulfillment) thinks is most important?"
"What's most important to your customers?"
"Think back to when you first chose your current product. What were your selection criteria? Based on what you know now, how would those criteria change?"
"Think ahead to three years from now. What do you anticipate will be most important at that time –– the initial price of the product? Or the peace of mind you'll have, knowing you're getting the necessary support long after a purchase was made?"
"Which characteristics of this product are 'must haves' for you, and which are optional?"
"The changes we've discussed would result in an increase in profits. What would you do with that increase in available funding?"
"What alternatives to this problem have you considered?"
"You have told me that your company has allocated Rs._____ for this product. How was that amount determined?"
Show your customers your solution will help solve these problems. Get them to define value based on their specific needs, and it'll be much easier to justify your solution as a smarter investment over lower-priced alternatives. Once you know your prospects' needs, inside and out, you'll be able to present your services and solutions as a great value at any price.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


by-Michael Porter

  COMPETITION is at the core of the success or failure of firms. Competition determines the appropriateness of a firm's activities that can contribute to its performance, such as innovations, a cohesive culture, or good implementation. Two central questions underlie the choice of competitive strategy. The first is the attractiveness of industries for long-term profitability and the factors that determine it... The second central question in competitive strategy is the determinants of relative competitive position within an industry....

Neither question is sufficient by itself to guide the choice of competitive strategy. A firm in a very attractive industry may still not earn attractive profits if it has chosen a poor competitive position. Conversely, a firm in an excellent competitive position may be in such a poor industry that it is not very profitable, and further efforts to enhance its position will be of little benefit. Both questions are dynamic; industry attractiveness and competitive position change. Industries become more or less attractive over time, and competitive position reflects an unending battle among competitors. Even long periods of stability can be abruptly ended by competitive moves. Both industry attractiveness and competitive position can be shaped by a firm, and this is what makes the choice of competitive strategy both challenging and exciting.

Friday, April 24, 2009

We are NOT Human Beings going through a Temporary Spiritual Experience,
We are Spiritual Beings going through a Temporary Human Experience!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Don't Have the Budget

By Jim Kasper

If you've been in sales for any length of time, you've heard this one. It really hurts when you've expended a lot of time and effort. This Sales trainer shows you how to respond, and, more importantly, how to avoid this classic objection in the first place.

It's a recurring theme these days. You know the "drill." You've done your homework, the prospect likes what you're offering, and after all of your hard work, you see yourself walking out with an ....order! You're ready to close. Then you hear the dreaded, "I really like what I see, but I just don't have the budget."

The typical responses to this statement are:

  • You say, "O.K., Ms. Prospect, I'll check back with you later?" Then you leave.

  • You handle it as any other objection by paraphrasing, clarifying, and restating the benefits.

  • You realize that the prospect truly doesn't have the money.

  • Relying on your keen instincts and superlative sales abilities you continually try to close, irritating the prospect who calls security to have your carcass escorted to the parking lot.

 You decide the most prudent course of action is to argue the cost vs. the benefits. "Yes, but what I've proposed will provide an R.O.I. of 133% within 18 months!"

Of the above responses, only one would be deemed proper. There are times when the customer really does not have a budget. The reasons for this may be:

  • The customer may be too small to afford your services.

  • It may be the end of the budget or fiscal year.

  • Business may be particularly slow.

  • Business may be good, but cash flow is slow.

  • The company is cutting expenses to appease the "analysts."

How do you determine if these are legitimate reasons when they come from your customer's mouth? You always ask open-ended questions about these topics as part of the normal fact-finding mission in your sales interview. By doing this, you bring out budgetary restraints at the beginning of the sales cycle, not the end. Preface your questions with the statement, "Mr. Prospect, I have a few background questions to ask you that will help us determine the most effective way to proceed." Then, ask:


"Tell me about your fiscal year."
"How has business been lately?"
"What type of seasonality do you experience?"
"What was the last time you made this type of [product / service] purchase? How did it go?"


In other words, predetermine the fiscal condition of your prospect or customer before he or she uses one of these conditions as an objection. Like a good tailor, you've got to "size them up."

Upon hearing, "It's not in my budget," consider the following to sell your prospect:

Establish a financial proposition
A temporary personnel placement agency, specializing in the insurance industry, was approached by an insurance trade association to sponsor a member educational program. Although the association was a prime target for prospects, the cost of the program was thousands of dollars more than the firm expected. The small firm did not have the budget. How did the association close the deal?

The insurance association representative asked the placement agency owner how many dollars the average insurance association member spent with the placement agency annually. Then the association representative figured it would only take three new customers to pay back the sponsorship fee. Next, the association representative helped the agency develop a plan to obtain six new customers by sponsoring the event.

Be a budget planner
In January, a large financial services organization solicited proposals from several sales training firms. When the successful proposal was identified, their CFO realized the cost of the training was more than remained in the training budget for the fiscal year. The fiscal budget started in June. What did the successful sales training company do to close the financial institution?

Realizing that the "not in my budget" was legitimate; the training company agreed to aid the financial institution in planning its next fiscal year's training budget. The training company literally became a planning partner with the financial organization.

"I guarantee it."
In today's fiercely competitive market, sometimes prospects play the "It's not in my budget" card just to see what concessions they can get out of the deal. When appropriate, and when you know who you're doing business with, try the guarantee approach. Many companies offer a performance guarantee to their customers calling for a product or service to meet a certain benchmark by a specific date.

Here's an example. Recently, we were asked to make a training proposal to a major electronic manufacturing firm. During the initial interview, the firm said that the training was not budgeted and they were looking for some creative approaches to "sell" the program to senior management. We then offered a guarantee - within 60 days, the program was to provide a specific R.O.I. If that R.O.I was not met, the cost of the program would then be refunded. When presented with that solution, management promptly allocated the funds.

Keep these suggestions in mind when you are presented with the "no budget" response:

  • Never, ever automatically offer a price concession.

  • Don't instinctively accept the response at face value; always probe for the "hidden" reasons.

  • Ask yourself, "Can they really afford what I'm selling?"

  • Ask the prospect, "What are your future plans to buy?"

  • Ask yourself, "How badly do I want this business? When? At what cost?"

Following these guidelines will give you insight on your next step and help you determine whether to pursue the opportunity or withdraw and head down the road to your next prospect.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Negotiating to Win

Julie Thomas shows you how the negotiating process takes place throughout the sale and what you can do to position yourself to win.

In today's hyper-competitive markets, prospects are more risk-averse than ever. Many prospects focus on every aspect of every purchase to prove that they are getting the best possible deal. Often they have "professional purchasers" who are fully responsible to get the best deal possible. At the same time, your goal is to establish enough value to minimize the cost discussion when it is time to close the business. As a seller of goods and services, your company's profits are directly affected by your ability to meet your customers' needs while meeting your own goals.

Sales is the business of relationships, and like any relationship it requires give and take. We typically expect the give and take, also known as negotiating, to happen during proposal and contract discussions; however, in reality, we continually negotiate throughout the sales process - on everything from picking a time to meet to determining who will participate in a demo to hashing out the terms and conditions of a contract. Negotiations are most productive when conducted objectively, and at the right time.

Here are a few points to remember when negotiating with prospects:
•Understand the "need" behind your prospect's position. In any negotiating situation, your responsibility is to understand your prospect's criteria –– as well as your own –– and ethically create positive outcomes for all parties involved.

•Know your empowerment level; you could find yourself in dangerous territory with either your company or prospect if you commit to things that are outside of your span of control.

•Define what constitutes a "win" for all parties. Here, it is critical to consider what you want as well as what your prospect wants.

•Be clear on what you can negotiate and what is non-negotiable. For each of us, there are non-negotiable items that are not open for discussion or compromise. It is important that we understand those and are clear about what we are willing to negotiate on.

•Maintain composure; respond rather than react and maintain a high level of rapport every step of the way.

•Finally, know your "walk-away" position; some deals are simply not worth what you are being asked to give up.

A key to successful negotiating is to understand when to negotiate in the first place. Negotiating components of deliverables, terms or pricing before the prospect is actually "sold" on your solution will cause you credibility problems. It is important not to negotiate until you have clearly shown the prospect what his world will be like after he acquires your product or services, and established both business and personal value with the individuals you are working with. Also understand the prospect's process for purchasing so that you are not caught in a position of multiple negotiations with multiple individuals.

There are typically three things to negotiate at the end of your sales cycle:

Deliverables, Terms and Conditions, and Pricing. One thing to keep in mind is that your price is always a function of your deliverables and your terms and conditions. As you prepare for your negotiation, there are three key strategies that can help you through the process:

Strategy #1: Trade-offs
Successful negotiations are a balance of meeting both parties' needs. With trade-offs, your objective is to meet both parties' needs by trading items from one category with items from a second category. For example, you may be willing to reduce your price with a change in terms or deliverables.

How it might sound:

"If you want this product shipped to multiple locations, are you willing to accept different payment terms?"

Strategy #2: Embellishments
This strategy requires you to add incremental value in one category when you can't make a trade-off to accommodate the prospect. For instance, you may throw in deliverables that have little cost to you but are large value to the prospect.

How it might sound:

"If we expand the training class from fifteen to twenty people, are you willing to move forward today with the terms and investment we have discussed?"

Strategy #3: Compromise
Compromise involves finding the middle ground in the same category. Splitting the difference on price, payment terms or a specific deliverable could be examples.

How it might sound:

"If we can split the difference in payment terms between net 10 and net 30, can we move forward today?"

Think about a current sales cycle that is nearing the closing point. First, analyze all areas of your qualification process to confirm that you have a truly qualified prospect. If you find that you are not working with a qualified prospect, re-engage on the sales cycle rather than the negotiation.

Next, prepare for any potential negotiation by identifying both the prospect's and your own ideal position. Make a list of what is non-negotiable from your perspective, and another list of what you think your prospect might require to move forward. From these two lists, develop potential win-win negotiating strategies using the aforementioned strategies:

Negotiating for success requires planning and strong communication skills. Being prepared for the negotiation with solid ideas and strategies will put you in a position of strength!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You can subscribe to my sms by clicking on the link (applicable only in India) SMS


Michael E Porter
THE five competitive forces — entry, threat of substitution, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and rivalry among current competitors — reflect the fact that competition in an industry goes well beyond the established players. Customers, suppliers, substitutes, and potential entrants are all “competitors” to firms in the industry and may be more or less prominent depending on the circumstances. Competition in this broader sense might be termed extended rivalry. All five competitive forces jointly determine the intensity of industry competition and profitability. For example, even a company with a strong market position in an industry where potential entrants are no threat will earn low returns if it faces a superior, lower-cost substitute. Even with no substitutes and blocked entry, intense rivalry among competitors will limit potential returns. Different forces take on prominence, of course, in shaping competition in each industry. The underlying structure of an industry should be distinguished from the many short-run factors that can affect competition and profitability in a transient way. For example, fluctuations in economic conditions over the business cycle influence short-run profitability. Although such factors may have tactical significance, the focus of the analysis of industry structure, or “structural analysis,” is on identifying the basic, underlying characteristics of an industry rooted in its economics and technology that shape the arena in which competitive strategy must be set.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NEW Pension Schemes (NPS) are in news..


With India gearing up for its own government-regulated pension plan, in line of the 401Kretirement plan in the US, investors need to know the intricacies of the same.

NEW Pension Schemes (NPS) are in news for quite some time now. With India finally gearing up to have its own government-regulated pension plan, on the lines of the ‘401K-retirement plan’ in the US, the excitement hovering around NPS is obvious. While the scheme is already operational for central govt employees, its opening for general public on May 1, 2009. Unlike the traditional retirement solutions, such as PPF and EPF; NPS is not a defined benefit, but rather a defined contribution plan. Thus, while investment in PPF and EPF attract a fixed rate of interest, returns from NPS will be market determined. The market here, however, is not confined to equity alone, but includes corporate bonds and government securities. Investment in these papers is to be actively managed by fund managers. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) has designated six asset management companies (AMCs) for the purpose. So, does it imply that NPS is just another mutual fund scheme? Though the NPS will be managed by fund houses, the autonomy lies with the PFRDA. While AMCs take investment decisions for NPS, their operational freedom shall be confined to the guidelines issued by PFRDA from time to time. Again, while an MF investor can enter and exit an scheme at free will, NPS will bind them till the retirement age of 58 years. The current guidelines do not permit a pre-mature withdrawal or any loan against the investment in NPS. The onus of deciding the structure of investments and selecting the fund house has, however, been left to the investor. The investor is free to choose the right mix of equity (E), corporate bonds (C) and government securities (G) in his/her portfolio. Alternatively, investor can choose auto option, wherein his investment in NPS will divided in pre-determined proportion of 15% (E), 45% (C) and 40% (G). In the case of automatic allocation, the entire investment will be equally distributed among all six fund managers in the first year. From second year onwards, however, the allocation will be pro-rated on the basis of the first year’s performance. NPS can also be distinguished from an MF scheme in terms of its cost structure. While an MF scheme charges an entry-load of about 2.25% and an average management charge of 1.5%, NPS carries a bare minimum fee of 0.0009%. Virtually free; as one might put it! But hold on. For, while NPS may prima facie appear an art of charity, investors would do well to note that there is never a free lunch. NPS requires maintenance of all records and the same will be done by NSDL, which will act as the central record keeping agency (CAR). Each investor will thus be required to pay NSDL an account opening charge of Rs 50. Besides, there will be a maintenance charge of Rs 350 per year and an additional charge of Rs 10 per transaction. PFRDA has also appointed selected banks as point of presence (POPs) to facilitate quick and hassle-free transactions. However, these services are not free either. According to an industry source, POPs will also charge an investor an account opening fee of Rs 20 and an additional charge of Rs 20 per transaction. This implies that an investor seeking to invest Rs 500 per month will actually end up paying around Rs 560 per month. That’s nearly 11% transaction cost, considerably higher than 8% return offered by PPF. So does this render NPS more costly visà-vis an MF scheme? The current cost structure of NPS is as good as fixed in nature, while that of an MF is a percentage of investment. Thus, the higher the investment, the higher would be the charges in case of an MF scheme. Given the current cost structure, NPS appears to be more beneficial to those with a higher amount of periodic investment. Another factor that needs major consideration is the tax treatment. NPS does not enjoy any tax benefits, either at the investment stage or at the time of maturity. This makes it less attractive vis-à-vis other retirement plans available in the market. While PFRDA is understood to have approached the government to grant NPS the tax status of (exempt-exempt-exempt) EEE, the fact that PFRDA bill is yet to be approved by Parliament may procrastinate the process. Thus, while the step in the right direction has been taken, a lot needs to be done to make NPS as competitive as 401K.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Staying Motivated in Challenging Times

by Dave Kahle
Here's some real-world advice on how to stay motivated even during these difficult times.

Sales is an emotional roller coaster, and unless you figure out how to manage those emotions and keep yourself motivated, you'll have a difficult time succeeding. This is particularly true right now. The economy continues to struggle, and unemployment is higher than it has been for years. Many companies are cutting back, there are fewer jobs available, and pressures to perform are greater than ever. It's easy to lose our motivation.

However, even though the world around us may be dreary and depressing, that in no way reduces our personal need to do the best we can. That means that we all have a responsibility to stay motivated.

It is amazing what a difference a few degrees of attitude adjustment can make in our performance. Try this little exercise. Tell yourself these things: "Business is terrible. All of my customers are struggling. Nobody wants to see me, and when they do, it's just to complain." Now wallow in those thoughts for a moment, and note how much energy and enthusiasm you have.

Now, think the opposite: "I have great opportunities. My customers need me more today than ever. I have valuable solutions for them. It's a great time to have this job." Roll those around in your mind for a while. Note how much energy and enthusiasm you have.

As you reflect on this exercise, it's clear that your energy, enthusiasm and drive to succeed come as a result of your thoughts. And here is one of the most powerful truths known to mankind: You can control your thoughts.

Going beyond "positive thinking":
Succeeding in difficult times depends a great deal on our motivation. Staying motivated requires us to take charge of our thoughts.

I've heard dozens of salespeople say, "I've tried positive thinking. It just isn't me." I agree that it is difficult to patch a bunch of positive thoughts on top of an essentially negative personality. The issue is deeper than that. Let's, therefore, examine the deeper issues.

At the heart of motivation lies a pair of powerful beliefs that you must embrace if you are going to successfully motivate yourself. Without a wholehearted commitment to these foundational beliefs, all the techniques and tactics for self-motivation are like spreading wallpaper over crumbling plaster. It may hold temporarily, but it is soon going to deteriorate into a mess.

Here's the first foundational principle: You must believe that you can do better than you are now doing. The second is this: You must accept that it is your responsibility to do so.

It's simple and commonsense, but, the more I observe people and salespeople specifically, the more convinced I am that the majority of people do not share these core beliefs. Rather, they are in the habit of making excuses for their situation. They believe fate, not their actions, determines their success. They believe success is for someone else, not them. They never really grab unto the first of these foundational principles.

Others believe that they can achieve greater degrees of success. They embrace the first principle, intellectually, but they never internalize the second. They become content with their situation and remain in pre-established comfort zones. They look at their manager as the person who is responsible for their success, or lack thereof. Maybe it's their parent's fault, or their spouse's, or... the list goes on.

Whether you are struggling with a lack of energy that accompanies a bad day, or you're depressed and frustrated with your lack of progress on a larger scale, examine your core beliefs first. If you really accept these two principles, you have the keystone in place to become highly motivated.

Having said that, here are a couple proven techniques you can use to keep yourself motivated day-to-day.

Have something you are working to accomplish:

This can be an important and compelling goal like saving enough money for a down payment on a house. When you are working toward something like that, your emotions of the moment tend to be a lower priority than your drive to achieve. If you are trying to make money for a home for your family, so what if you're tired or depressed? You get out and do it. The same is true for having a compelling purpose. I believe that every salesperson should be able to articulate clearly his or her purpose in life. I once began a ten-week sales training program with a requirement that everyone write a two-sentence "life purpose." Why? Because it gives power and focus to everything you do. In your job as a salesperson, there will many difficult times when things don't go your way. You may lose a big deal, or be unable to get anyone to return your calls. At times like these, it helps to view them within the context of a larger perspective - your life purpose.

Proactively put positive thoughts into your mind:

Make a point of taking charge of your mind and the kind of thoughts you choose to think. Wise and thoughtful people for ages have discovered an extremely powerful principle: Your actions arise from your thoughts, and you can choose your thoughts. Controlling and managing your thoughts is one of the basic tenants of Zen Buddhism, for example. In the Christian context, the apostle Paul said, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Philosophers, educators, and thinkers of every generation conclude the same thing. But the power of this truth is not reserved just for philosophers. Salespeople can make use of it as well. The reason you may feel depressed or anxious is because you are thinking depressing or anxious thoughts. Change your thoughts, and you can change your feelings. Change your emotions, and you can change your behavior. Change your behavior and you can change your results. It's not as difficult as it may sound.

Take action:

Do this -- invest in a couple of audio programs - good, positive stuff - or find something at the local library. As you drive between appointments and on your way home from work, listen to those tapes or CDs. You'll find yourself thinking positive thoughts. Those positive thoughts will lead to a more positive attitude. That attitude will manifest in more focused actions. Those actions will lead to better results. Read educational and inspiring books and periodicals. Hundreds of good sales books are published each year. Spend 30 minutes at your local Barnes & Noble, Borders or business bookstore and you'll find several works that will interest and stimulate you. The World Wide Web is awash with resources. Then there are hardcopy publications. There is no limit to the amount of positive, educational material available to you. If you are not regularly exposing yourself to some of this, it is because you are choosing to not be motivated. Succeeding in difficult times requires you to take charge of your motivation. Now is the time to take this most important step to becoming a true professional.

The Six Human Emotional Needs

Have you wondered why it seems so difficult to change our habitual behaviours? The reason is because our decisions and behaviours are driven by our emotions more than by our logic. Logically, we want to stop smoking or stop overeating, and yet, we still find ourselves repeating the pattern of behaviours. Why do we do this? It is because smoking and over eating meets our emotional needs.
At the same time, we all logically want to have a great relationship with our spouse or friends. And yet, we sometimes find ourselves getting into the same patterns of arguments and conflicts. Again, this is all caused by a mismatch of emotional needs between well-intentioned parties.
To change any kind of behaviour, you must first understand that as human beings, our decisions and actions are almost ALWAYS driven by the need to meet six human (emotional) needs. This is why we sometimes do things that don’t make any sense at all. We do it simply to meet these 6 human needs (by the way, this was developed by Anthony Robbins). So, what are these 6 human needs?
Human Need 1: CertaintyThe first human need is the need for CERTAINTY. We all need to feel a sense of security that things will be okay. Certainty gives us peace of mind and assurance.
Although we all have the need for CERTAINTY, we use different behavioural strategies to meet this need. For example, when you feel stressed, worried, unsure and uncertain, how do you meet your need for certainty?
Some people use destructive strategies like over-eating, smoking or drinking alcohol. Don’t some people do these things to relieve the stress of uncertainty and get into certainty? Others get certainty by controlling other people (becoming a control freak) or by losing their temper. In one episode of Oprah, she interviewed a woman who handled her stress of being sexually abused by creating a multiple personality disorder.
At the same time, there are useful strategies to get certainty. Some people pray/use religion to get that sense of certainty. Some people, adopt empowering beliefs like, ‘ I know I will get through this’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’ or they simply have faith in themselves. Others get certainty through exercise, meditation or confiding in a friend.
So, think about this? How DO you meet your need for certainty? Is it constructive or destructive to you?

Human Need 2: Uncertainty
Now, here is the big paradox! As human beings, we have a second emotional need that is in direct conflict with our first need. We all have a need for UNCERTAINTY!
Think about it. If you had absolute 100% certainty in your life where you knew exactly what was going to happen, when it was going to happen, how it happens, before it happens every single day, how will you feel? You will feel BORED TO DEATH. This is why there are multi millionaires who have all the money and all the possessions in the world, but are depressed! Their life is so certain that they have no more challenges or surprises. No more uncertainty!
This is also why a woman/man in a perfect marriage where everything is routine and predictable will eventually get so bored, that they will unconsciously start picking a fight, having an affair or leave the marriage. There is no more excitement and stimulation that we all need emotionally.
So, how do people meet the emotional need of uncertainty (i.e. challenge/surprise/variety) in their lives? Again, some people do destructive things like having an affair, starting arguments, picking up one-night stands, taking drugs, smoking when bored and drinking to get high (yup, smoking and drinking offer both certainty AND uncertainty).
Some of us do neutral stuff like watching a movie, playing sports, changing jobs, making new friends or partying. This gives us the stimulation and variety we all need.
Some constructive strategies would include taking on new challenges (e.g. going mountain climbing, traveling, starting a business, writing a book). So think about it, how do you meet your need for uncertainty?

Human Need 3: Significance
The third human emotional need is the need to feel significant/special/unique/important/needed. We all hunger for this need and again pursue it in different ways.
Some people feel significant by attaining qualifications (e.g. MBAs, PhDs etc..), achieving success, buying lots of toys (e.g. bigger house, bigger car, country club, Rolex watch etc…) or pursuing status symbols.
Others get significance by putting other people down, dressing in a unique way or tattooing every conceivable part of their body. Again, others feel significance by having children (and making sure they excel and do them proud) or flaunting their wealth. Some people get significance by being proud of certain identities they adopt like being a Christian, a Muslim, an Army Officer, a Vegetarian etc…
Many people have asked me why I continue to work so hard to write so many books, spend hours writing posts on my BLOG and speak at so many seminars when I clearly don’t really need the money anymore. The answer is that I am driven to all these things because it makes me feel significant (useful, special, needed) and provides me the uncertainty (challenge & variety) that I crave. It also, gives me the 4th human need, connection and love and the 6th human need, contribution.
Again, think about how YOU meet the need to feel significance?

Human Need 4: Love and Connection
The 4th human need is in direct conflict with the 3rd human need of SIGNIFICANCE. Think about this. If you felt TOTALLY significant where you were so unique, so special and so different from all the people around you. Would you be happy? No! You would feel disconnected from the people around you.
One of our strongest needs as humans in the need to be accepted, to be loved and connected to the people around us. Once we become so special and unique, we will start to find ourselves losing that connection to our peers. I can tell you that I feel that way sometimes myself. At times I find it difficult to really be myself, connect with people I meet because people keep expecting me to be this perfect guru, with all the answers.
Have you ever wondered why a superstar like Britney Spears with all the fame, money and talent in the world could end up screwing up her life by engaging in destructive behaviours like drink driving, drug taking that would lead to 2 divorces, losing custody of her children and ending up in a mental institution? My guess is that although she felt total significance, she felt unloved and disconnected from everyone around her.
She probably could not be herself, always having to put up a front and feeling that all the people around her were just using her. Her need for connection and love probably drove her to mix around with the wrong company (i.e. Paris Hilton) and engaging in destructive behaviours that would get her the love/connection and sympathy she was lacking.
We all need to feel love and connection and again get it through different means. Some people get connection by getting into a relationship, getting married, making love, joining clubs, playing with their children, having pets, prayer (connection to God) or hanging out with friends.
Sometimes, people even ‘try’ to get love and connection by self-abuse and falling sick (studies show 90% of all illnesses are psychosomatic). This gives them the sudden outpour of sympathy and love that they yearn for. How do you get love and connection in your life?

If Your Relationship is Not Happy, Here’s Why…
I have found after working with many couples that whenever a marriage breaks down, it is always because partners are not meeting each others emotional needs.
A man (or woman) often wants to leave the marriage either because he/she no longer feels significant, loved, certainty or uncertainty by his/her partner. What is a very very common scenario is that after a couple has a child, the man no longer feels the same level of significance anymore. It seems that his wife spends all the time with the kids, that he is no longer important. So what happens? He rather spend his time in the office where he feels more significant or find a girlfriend who makes him feel special again!
So, here is a point of reflection. How well are you meeting your partner’s emotional needs?

If Your Staff Are Leaving Your Company, Here’s Why…
As a boss of my own company and a person who trains other companies in bringing put the best in their employees, I have found that your staff will only be happy and motivated to give their best when they feel significant (they are praised often and recognized), certainty (sense of security of their future in the company), uncertainty (their jobs gives them variety and challenge) as well as connection (they love the people they work with and have a sense of belonging).
Similarly, people leave a company not only for monetary reasons. They leave when they feel a lack of security (certainty), lack of challenge (uncertainty), lack of connection (they hate the people) or a lack of significance (unappreciated).
Reflection: if you are a boss/team leader, are you meeting your staff’s/colleagues emotional needs to bring out the best in them?

If You Have An Addiction that You Cannot Change, Here’s Why…
Finally, I have found that if you have a negative behaviour that you find hard to change, it is only because it is being used to meet two or more of your emotional needs. For example, if you find yourself constantly losing your temper, it is because it gives you a sense of significance and certainty.
If you find it difficult to stop smoking, it is probably it meets your needs for certainty (relaxes and de-stresses you), uncertainty (smoke when you feel bored), connection (especially if you smoke with friends to ‘fit in’) and significance (makes you look ‘cool’). Often, when a behaviour meets more than 2 needs, it becomes an ADDICTION.
In my patterns of excellence programs, I show people how to break limiting patterns of behaviours by first finding an alternative way to meet their needs. If you do not find a new useful alternative behaviour to replace it, you will find yourself going back to the old habit/addiction.

The Last Two Human Needs: Growth and Contribution
You are probably wondering what the last two human emotional needs are. Understand that the first four needs MUST be met by us constantly. It is what drives our daily behaviours.
However, to be truly fulfilled and happy, we need to meet the last two needs of ‘growth’ and ‘contribution’. We need to constantly grow by learning more and challenging ourselves to become better. The moment we stop growing, we start dying emotionally.
Finally, we all need to contribute beyond ourselves, This is why people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffett make all the money in the world only to give most of it away to charity. contribution is what gives us ultimate purpose and fulfillment in life.

The Law of Attraction

THE LAW OF ATTRACTION has been taught for thousands of years, and more and more people are beginning to believe and use the law of attraction to achieve ALL they want.

The secret to using the law of attraction is simple: Just think about what you want most of the time.
O.K. Easier said, than done, right?
My mentor use to say to me, “Our life is a direct reflection of our consistent thoughts.”
What that means is you must align your thoughts with your goals and find the WHY behind those goals, and then you have to think repeatedly over and over again until you create that BURNING DESIRE for success.

The key is to literally brainwash yourself for success by repeating one effective phrase over and over again until you put yourself into a trance of attracting success.
If your life is a reflection of your consistent thought, then doesn’t it make sense to have the most powerful thought repeated to you over and over again… 501 times per day?
The secret is the ultimate power of affirmation, auto-suggestion, or incantation. For example, if you think about the WHY behind your goals 501 times a day then you’ll behave differently, because you’ll feel a higher level of motivation.
The average person is lucky if they think about their WHY behind their goals once a week.
By repeating one phrase over and over again with emotional intensity you re-wire your brain for success, and put it on auto-pilot to guide you toward your goals. That’s the secret!

And, ANYONE can do this.
It doesn’t take any special skills!

Friday, April 10, 2009


by Vijay Govindarajan
AS ESSENTIAL as it is to the long-term health of organisations, knowledge about best practices for managing strategic innovation is scarce. For every strategic experiment studied, we observed a unique approach to management. There is no commonly accepted principle or standard. Management theory has evolved rapidly over the past few decades. For example, the once-popular notion that the essence of strategy is to maintain stability has given way to acceptance that stability is illusory. Modern strategists do not seek to build and defend a competitive advantage from change by, say, erecting barriers to entry. Instead, they recognise that to stay ahead, corporations must always look for new markets and new sources of competitive advantage. This shift in emphasis in strategy formulation demands a similar shift in the field of strategy execution, but the latter field lags. Although the what of strategy now focuses on innovation and change, knowledge of the how is still nascent. Truly understanding what works and why, requires multi-year, qualitative, interpretive study. The study of strategic innovation resembles history or psychology more than finance or economics. Furthermore, the little existing research-based knowledge emphasises the very early stages of managing strategic innovation, particularly the generation of and evaluation of creative ideas. That leaves much terrain uncharted... Limits to innovation have less to do with technology or creativity than with management skill.